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A Letter From the Matriarch

An open letter to all our people; warts and all. 

Having grown up in the industry in a tourist town, our life at the dairy seems to slip into two distinct chunks of time.
The winter; one of trying to focus on cheese production and new projects that help improve the quality of what we are doing; and the summer is about just getting out there at markets and selling everything we can to all the people who support the process of farming and growing in this beautiful province of ours.
May 1st is the day that shift happens and hence the letter to you.
As of this weekend I will be in Toronto five days each week selling at markets and at our "store" on Jefferson. The sixth day will be in Niagara; hopefully helping at that market as well as doing deliveries.
And this is were I keep getting stuck in my communication; I never know what to say next.
Do I apologize for not having been good enough over the last few years? 
Do I ask you to stay committed to us even though we aren't perfect; just trying hard and still learning?
Do I tell you that our cheeses are better then they have ever been (which I believe to be true but sounds overconfident)?
Do I tell you I was listening to a podcast about business that said it takes 15 years for a business to figure itself out and that it made me feel not like a total failure? Or do I just say thanks for being part of the trying to be; better; wonderful; an example; and ultimately hopeful.
The world seems particularily precarious right now and i just want to thank you for being part of that hope because without it there is no reason to get up in the morning and do whatever it is that each of us do.
See you soon I hope and thanks so much for all.

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